Sorry, we can only ship maximum 31kg in one order because we charge shipping fees only for the 1st 11 kg and the other 20kg is shipped free. Please update the quantity to fulfill the maximum weight requirement.
We do not ship or do not have online mail order services to some countries. If you cannot complete your order online, please email us your order request at support@springlilly.com so that we can quote you the shipping fees on a case by case basis.
Countries that will not be able to order online
You will not be able to order online if you reside in these countries. You can try to send us an email and we will handle it case by case.
Zone 1 |
Zone 2 |
Zone 3 |
Zone 4 |
Zone 5 |
Cambodia |
Bhutan |
Azerbaijan |
Armenia |
Congo (Republic of) |
Lao PDR |
Mongolia |
Cayman Islands |
Iran |
Djibouti |
Myanmar (Union of) |
Cyprus |
Kyrgyzstan |
Ethiopia |
Czech Republic |
Macedonia |
Ghana |
Estonia (Republic of) |
Turkmenistan |
Kenya |
Hungary |
Uzbekistan (Republic of) |
Lesotho |
Iceland |
Mauritius |
Romania |
Mozambique |
Turkey |
Nigeria |
Senegal |
Seychelles |
South Africa (Republic of) |
Tanzania |
Tunisia |
Zimbabwe |